I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.
Author: admin
The Dare-To-Be-Different In Marketing Checklist
There is a big payoff in being different. When you accept “what is” you place yourself in the category of “sameness,” and people don’t buy sameness. Why should they? They can do sameness themselves. If your prospects aren’t seeing the value you offer, you may be coming across as the same and not daring to…
Using Your Natural Style On Stage
We were both speakers at the same convention presenting on the same day
10 Tips for More Meaningful Holidays
No matter how many lists you make, cards you send, gifts you buy, or packages you wrap, there will be things you intended to do this holiday season that won’t get done. If you do manage to get everything done, but you’re too tired to enjoy the season, everyone suffers.
Writing for the Web
Website content, ezines, articles, e-books – if you run an online business you’ll probably do your fair share of writing. If you’re not entirely confident about your writing abilities, don’t worry. You can master writing for the Web and learn to turn out clean, clear, and convincing copy. You just need to understand the nature…
Achieving Sales Goals Requires Drive & Motivation
How did you do this past year on your sales goals?
How to Give Great Gifts
I truly think gift giving is an art form.
How to Backup Windows XP Home Edition
Your computer cost you from hundreds to thousands of dollars, but the computer itself is not the most valuable part. The data on the hard disk is the most valuable part. How many hours of work did you put into creating that data? One little event, like a power line spike from a lightning strike,…
Value Investing
By definition, value investing is the process of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value. A value investor typically selects stocks with lower than average price-to-book or price-to-earning ratios. Of course, it is not nearly this simple. Value investing is the corner stone of long-term growth. Those who practice it survive the…
Staging Homes for Top-Dollar Sales
Wouldn’t it be nice to have Roger Hazard’s design team from “Sell This House” come visit for a weekend?