So you’re going to have a booth at a trade show. How exciting – or how terrifying – depending on your state of mind!
Author: admin
Dressing for Hot Weather
If the thought of hot temperatures and baring your skin makes you cringe and want to hide; breath easier. There are several fashion tips that will you keep cool and looking great great.
A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing – Identifying Scams That Look Like Legitimate Businesses
As I`ve mentioned in previous articles, there are a whole lot of various business opportunities for you, as a marketer, to get involved with. Before you do though, you need to be aware of the fact that there are also thousands of scams out there, posing as legitimate businesses. While a lot of these types…
Controlling Your Hunger And Losing Weight Using Meal Replacement Powders And Bars
The market is flooded with weight loss supplements that make weight loss look like an easy thing. You see a perfect bodied young man or woman giving credit to this pill or that pill. I believe there are some merits to some of the weight loss pills on the market but this article is about…
10 Most Literate Cities in America
10 Most Literate Cities in the U.S. A.
Overview of Trademark Law
Trademark law gives companies the exclusive right to use a given name or design, called a
How To Safeguard Against Rape
If you are a female, chances are one in ten that you will be a victim of sexual assault.
Developing A List Of Keywords For Marketing
Keywords aren’t just some words that allow search engines, like Google, to find your web site. They are also key elements for creating attractive language to use in your marketing or advertising material. For instance places such as: brochures, business cards, flyers, and ads. Keywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes…
Home Based Business Opportunities Abound On The Internet
Looking for a home business opportunity on the internet these days is a pretty involved process. That is, if you don’t know how to eliminate 90% of the junk that’s out there and pick among the home business opportunities that actually have merit and track records. What works?
Clear and Appropriate Assignments
As a teacher of students with learning disabilities, I found that one of the most difficult